Restauro Tutela Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale

Bridging Archaeological and IT Culture for Community Accessibility

Atti del Convegno Internazionale a chiusura del progetto europeo T.Arc.H.N.A. (programma Cultura 2000), (Milano 10-11 luglio 2007)

A cura di Giovanna Bagnasco Gianni

Tarchna Supplementi, 2
2008, 172 pp., 64 ill. b/n
Brossura, 21,5 x 32 cm
Supplemento 2 -Allegato CD-Rom
ISBN: 9788882654887
ISSN: 1970-3155
  • Acquista
  • Acquista
    •   Persona giuridica

      Edizione cartacea

      Formato: Brossura
      ISBN: 9788882654887

      € 119,00 € 119,00 € 119,00


      Formato: PDF
      ISBN: 9788891314741

      € 119,00 € 119,00 € 119,00

    •   Persona fisica

      Edizione cartacea

      Formato: Brossura
      ISBN: 9788882654887

      € 75,00 € 75,00 € 75,00


      Formato: PDF
      ISBN: 9788891314741

      € 95,20 € 95,20 € 95,20

  • Indice
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    From the Contents:
    Elio Franzini, Premessa; Maria Bonghi Jovino, Crossing the Bridge: the Meeting of Two Cultures Attraversare il ponte: incontro fra due culture; Anna Maria Moretti Sgubini; The T.Arc.H.N.A. Project: Superintendence, Museums and Territori, Il progetto T.Arc.H.N.A.: Soprintendenza, musei e territorio; Maria Cataldi, The T.Arc.H.N.A. Project: Knowledge and Dissemination, Il progetto T.Arc.H.N.A.: conoscenza e divulgazione; Giovanna Bagnasco Gianni, The T.Arc.H.N.A. Project: Aspects of the Research, Il progetto T.Arc.H.N.A.: aspetti della ricerca; New Paths and Perspectives for Cultural Heritage Accessibility after the T.Arc.H.N.A. Experience; Giovanna Bagnasco Gianni, Archaeology as Research Engine in the Field of Cultural Heritage. The case of the T.Arc.H.N.A. Project; Piero Mussio, Clash and Meeting between Two Cultures: the Data Processing Perspective between Tradition and Innovation; The T.Arc.H.N.A. System: the Joint Project Implementation between Archaeologists and Computer Science Experts; Stefano Valtolina, The T.Arc.H.N.A. System as a Model of Accessibility to Cultural Heritage; Muriel Geroli, From Dispersed Objects to the Reconstruction of an Original Funeral Context; Cristina Ridi, From Documents to Subject Matters: to Perceive and to Explain Music in Ancient Etruria; Stefano Franzoni, John McAuley, The Use of Narrations for Knowledge Enhancement and Enrichment; Lucio G. Perego, Proposal for an Application of the T.Arc.H.N.A. System to Historical Topography; The T.Arc.H.N.A. Virtual Wings; Haytham Elghazel, Mohamed Azzaoui, Jérémie Legrand, Mohand-Said Hacid, KSyDoC: a Keyword-based System for Document Clustering and Retrieval; Athena Vakali, George Andreadis, George Pallis, Dimitrios Katsaros, Konstantinos Stamos, The Implementation of Web Portals as Museum Virtual Wings; Michela Bertolotto, Angelis Koinis, Eoin Mac Aoidh, The Use of Palm Tools (PDA) for Cultural Heritage Dissemination; The T.Arc.H.N.A. System for Tarquinian Cultural Heritage Reunification. Study Cases; Witold Dobrowolski, The Eighteenth-Century Documentation of Painted Tombs; Ioannis Nikou, From Dispersed Etruscan Objects in Greece to Subject Matters: a Dialectic Critique of the Encounter between Two Cultures in Ancient Mediterranean; Other Projects and Points of View Concerning Accessibility to Cultural Heritage; Paola Moscati, Between Real and Virtual Reality: Archaeological Data Recontextualisation; Goffredo Haus, Multimodality and Multimediality in Man-Computer Interaction for Cultural Communication: the Case of Music; Jette Christiansen, New Light on Antiquity; Stefano Levialdi, Narration: an Approach to Knowledge Dissemination in Archaeology.

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